Here is a list of our most frequently asked questions. If your question isn’t answered here, please email us office@compassjvl.com.

How can I receive updates about upcoming events at Compass?

What can I expect at a Worship Service?

We are casual, so come dressed in a way that makes you feel comfortable to worship. Grab a coffee or beverage and have a seat. Our service lasts about an hour or a little longer as the Spirit moves. 

We mostly worship in song with a mixture of contemporary worship songs and an occasional hymn. We worship together in prayer and then the children are dismissed for a targeted, age appropriate lesson while Pastor Paul Alf brings us the what the Lord has laid on his heart. 

What is Communion? Who can participate?

Communion is the symbolic re-enactment of the Lord’s Last Supper in which he predicted and explained the significance of his own crucifixion. It is also a time of reflection. Partakers are given bread to signify Christ’s broken body, and juice to signify his shed blood (I Corinthians 11:26). Membership at Compass Church is not required to participate. We only ask that you recognize the Ordinance of Communion with the commemorative reverence with which it was established by Jesus himself. Compass normally celebrates corporate Communion on the first Sunday of each month.

What about Baby Dedication?

Baby dedication is not an act of salvation; rather, it is a commitment by the parents to raise their child in a godly home as they submit their lives to the Lord. Compass Church considers it a privilege to “dedicate” or present children to the Lord, according to the Old Testament example (I Samuel 1:27-28), and as expressed in the life of Jesus (Luke 2:22-35).  For more information about baby dedications, Click Here.

What about baptism?

Water baptism has been a Christian initiation ritual since the coming of the New Covenant 2000 years ago. It was founded by John the Baptist, affirmed by Christ’s own baptism (Matthew 3) and commanded by Jesus when he gave the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

It is a practice, rich with significance and meaning. Baptism represents the cleansing that comes when we put our faith in Christ. In addition, it outwardly portrays the transformation process that takes place within us, when we come to faith in Christ. Following Jesus involves dying to the life of sin and rising to new life in Christ. Baptism paints a visual picture of this inner process.

If you would like more information about water baptism at Compass Church, Click Here.

What is Compass’s wedding policy?

We believe that marriage is a holy covenant ordained by God between one man and one woman (Genesis 1:27; 2:18, Mt. 19:4), for procreation (be fruitful and multiply) and illustration of the relationship Christ has with the Church (Ephesians 5:23). Therefore, wedding plans should reflect the sacredness of that covenant.

Facility use is limited and preference is given to Compass members. If you’re interested in having your wedding at Compass, please contact the church office at 608-755-1450 or email us at office@compassjvl.com.

What is Compass’s view about women in leadership?

We believe women are equally, spiritually gifted individuals. We have women in many leadership roles in the church. The Free Methodist Church ordains women.

How can I become a member?

How can I submit a prayer request?

If you'd like to submit a prayer request via email, please send them to prayers@compassjvl.com.

​How can I inquire about renting your facility?

Click Here to fill out our application form for rental.